
  • Xcode 4 Find Dsym File
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 03:54

    Click to expand.I've seen this suggestion posted a number of times. But Xcode seems to work fine - along with DSYMUtil - for pretty much any other project not built with Unity Pro. This would seem to me to point a very suspicious finger at Unity. Rather than washing your hands of this problem, it would seem that THIS is exactly the sort of thing that we are paying you for with our Pro Licenses. Can YOU build a realistic project and debug on device with Script Debugging turned on?

    I would suggest that you cannot. Yet you advertise this as a feature of Unity Pro.

    This is what we paid for.Instead you wash your hands of the problem and tell us to bug Apple about it - when it only seems to occur with Unity builds? Sorry to push back on you Mantas, but your response is completely unacceptable from where I sit.

    Give me one good reason why all of us should have to chase down this problem individually, rather than Unity resolving the problem with its build system.I remain deeply disappointed.= Ed =. Click to expand.Yes, of course, this has already been noted by a number of people. Of course, you cannot tether the iOS device to your computer to actually debug on device, as advertised by Unity.

    Xcode 4 Find Dsym File Online

    This is a feature that has been advertised for some time by Unity to be functional. There are even instructions on how to do this. Of course that is all moot now since you cannot do this.Unity is still culpable and notably silent on all of this, IMHO. Their only response so far has been to tell all of us to send bug reports to Apple about this consistent problem with Unity development builds.I'm sorry azeitler. This is no excuse for Unity on this issue.

    Those of us who have been dealing with this problem for many months now have long known that we can properly build release builds. That does not help when you need to debug something on device.= Ed =. Click to expand.I posted 7 months.after. Mantis' post, so. Question: are you assuming I didn't read back? If I post about this error 7 months after a 'temporary fix' (and I'm not alone!) do you really assume that we are all buggers? That post dates back in August 2012, and the bug is still there!

    A few Unity versions have been released since then, so. What's keeping Unity from finally deliver us a fix? I'm not a bugger.

    I'm a paying customer dealing with a blocking issue that is well known to Unity Tech. Let Unity people answer for Unity Tech. At least they don't assume we're stupid. Okay, first of all, let's sort out the terminology:Debugging – happens in Xcode by inspecting code for bugs, relying on a debugger which gives you stack traces and stuff.

    In order to do this properly you need Debug Symbols or short DSYMs so xcode can map the stack trace adresses to the method calls in your code.Script Debugging – happens in MonoDevelop by connecting MonoDevelop to your app running on the device. This is called script debugging and does not require Debug Symbols ( i just confirmed this doing a test build).

    It only allows you to inspect your Unity scripts – and it most likely will not work while XCode is debugging your app (i.e. When your 'running' your app from Xcode).The factors which influence how Xcode behaves and whether you successfully can build and Debug or build and Script Debug the app are these:1. Build Settings in Unity: Script Debugging enabled, Development Build enabled:Result A: Xcode builds with Debug Information Format set to DWARF (meaning no DSYMs file is created during build) – script debugging works (once the app is stopped in xcode and launched again manually).

    This is what I call 'building without debug symbols'Result B: Xcode builds with Debug Information Format set to DWARF with dSYM file, build in xcode may take along time OR fail (with a message about the dsymutil as mentioned in the title of this thread). Script debugging works (once the app is stopped in xcode and launched again manually).

    This is what I call 'building with debug symbols'my experience: use this scenario together with result A to script-debug your appOkay, so script-debugging works for me. What about objective-c level debugging in xcode?As just explained we need a DSYM file for that, so we need to set Xcode's build setting 'Debug Information Format' to DWARF with dSYM file.However, we might run into result 1B, which would make it impossible to build and run the app for debug purposes (or even build it at all).To fix this we could switch 'Debug Information Format' to DWARF. Which would make the app build successfully but will cause stack traces without Method-name references thus making objective-c level debugging impossible.My solutionI first do my Script-level debugging using Scenario 1A or 1B, then I re-build my unity app (in unity) with this scenario 2:2. Build Settings in Unity: Script Debugging disabled, Development Build disabled.Now, I cannot do any Script-Debugging AT ALL, which means I cannot connect MonoDevelop to the app running in the device (it won't show up in MonoDevelop because the unity build did not have 'Script Debugging ' enabled so the app won't broadcast a signal for MonoDevelop to receive).BUT in my experience building with Xcode's build setting 'Debug Information Format' set to DWARF with dSYM file works. At least with a 50% success rate.So, to summarize: it's a pain.


    But it's not impossible. And: the pain is not caused by unity or the unity editor but rather by Xcode and the code compilation tools it uses. This is a bug in dsymutil which is used to create the DSYMs file. Apple needs to fix it but given that only Unity developers appear to be experiencing this issue (I looked for bug reports on the matter and did not find any) its not a priority or not even on their radar. Click to expand.Well, since I had way too many issues with 4.x, especially unexplained, non-traceable crashes, I went back to 3.5 and am almost 100% positive I haven't seen this error at all.In any case, if any one of us is more right than the other (i.e. Does not happen, or happens less frequently) it still hints that this is a Unity issue and not Xcode - or at least, it hints that something can be done on the Unity side to minimize or eliminate the problem.At least this is how I read the map. Click to expand.Andreas,what part of my previous messsage you didn't get?

    You sound patronizing and like 'hey guys. I know better.'

    Dsym File Missing Crashlytics

    , but you are just a student trying to make a nice effect on Unity. Maybe you have applied fo a job with them?Honestly man, stop it. I'm 53, I've lead teams of developers for 20 years, and I've been working as developer myself for 32, so. Do you really think I need to learn the basics from you? I'm well aware that in pain and twisting here and there almost everything can be done. But as a paying customer I do not appreciate this at all. I do not enjoy wasting my time to work around bugs in a product that I have paid $5,500 per seat in version 3 and then fully upgraded to version 4, that's more than $8k so please.

    My customers would kill me for less. Maybe we can pool our resources and submit a bug report to apple or, again, with more pull, to unity?I never experienced this issue in any of the demo projects I put together to submit alongside a bug report. It only occurs in my big, day-to-day projects and those are way to big to send along with a bug report.

    Anyone has a small, contained project with which this is an issue?Btw. I can confirm it happens with Unity 3.5 as well as Unity 4. I am still on 3.5 for various reasons and this is still a big issue.

    Can't open a.dsym file?If you want to open a.dsym file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate program installed. If the.dsym association isn't set correctly, you may receive the following error message:Windows can't open this file: File: example.dsym To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it.

    Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer. To change file associations:. Right-click a file with the extension whose association you want to change, and then click Open With. In the Open With dialog box, click the program whith which you want the file to open, or click Browse to locate the program that you want. Select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box.

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